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QBS Department Spotlight: 2018 QBS Benefits Team

Over the past few months, we’ve had some incredible people join our team. Starting this month, we will be introducing you to the folks in our different departments. This month, September 2018, meet the QBS Benefits Team. Stay tuned each month between now and March 2019 to learn about what each valued department and team member does right here at QBS.

Benefits requirements and standards are always changing, and this team is always ready. They work directly with you and your benefits providers to ensure that additions, changes and terminations to any plan are handled promptly and accurately.

If your employees were to miss work or not earn enough to make premium deductions, our integrated system automatically tracks the data and creates an arrears record that’s applied when the employee either returns to work or earns enough to collect. Our state-of-the-art web software allows your employees to quickly view their current plan enrollment, dates of coverage, premium amounts and dependent coverage status. And, of course, we provide COBRA administration for plans that are COBRA eligible.

Learn more about our Benefits Administration Services at:

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