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QBS Launches Wages On-Demand powered by ZayZoon

QBS and ZayZoon have partnered to bring ZayZoon’s Financial Wellness platform to all of our clients as a free add-on service. The integration between QBS and ZayZoon allows the benefit of Wages On-Demand to be extended to your employees.

For Employees: The Wages On-Demand service provides early access to part of an employees’ paycheck for a flat $5 fee. This allows them to smooth out income, avoiding high interest short term loans and overdraft fees. The service is not a loan and there are no other charges. What’s more? Employees who need to access funds do not have to notify their employer, avoiding potential embarrassment.

For Employers: Employees troubled by their finances are twice as likely to be in poor health, and 38% of employees report financial stress affects workplace productivity. The ZayZoon service improves financial wellness and reduces stress by giving employees financial flexibility. There is no cost to this service for you.

Don’t think your employees need ZayZoon?

  • 10% of all American employees use predatory loan products
  • The average American overdrafts 2-3 times per year paying nearly $100 in fees
  • When ZayZoon is available to employees, at least 30% will use us over the course of a year saving them money from overdraft fees and products that put them further behind the financial 8-ball.


QBS can help you help your employees.

Contact us to learn how you can begin offering this valuable benefit resource to your employees. 


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