“Open enrollment.” By now, the words may strike terror into the hearts of your employees. But they don’t have to. These helpful tips can give you the advantage you need to distill complex problems into simple solutions for your workforce.
Emphasize the importance. This year, it’s more important than ever for your employees to take an active role in their benefit selections. With the landscape of healthcare always in flux due to the new structures of the ACA, it’s essential for them to be fully informed.
Be clear about the options. The marketplace is wide open, and as a result, there’s a lot for your employees to have to slog through. The more you can help them stay informed, the better; a strong understanding of the basics of navigating the marketplace can help them work their way through more complex issues.
Auto-enrollment: pros and cons. Doing nothing and simply letting previously-chosen plans roll over into 2015 could lead to quite a shock, once the new premiums go into action; it’s important to be clear with your employees about both the benefits and disadvantages of using auto-enrollment.