How long have you worked at QBS and what is your role?
I’ve worked at QBS for 8.5 years now. I am the Distribution Manager which means that I am responsible for ensuring that all the payroll and paperwork that we process for our clients is distributed properly and received on time.
What’s your favorite part of your job?
We have a great team at QBS. I really enjoy working alongside really good co-workers.
What is one of the biggest challenges you face in your role?
We rely on part-time team members to help us get payroll out – especially during big pay weeks. It’s my job to manage and retain these employees.
Are there any unique aspects about working at QBS?
We have a big focus on teamwork at QBS – so it’s important to be flexible as a QBS employee. There are always areas where help is needed and we need to be willing to step in!
What’s one interesting fact about you that we may not know?
I am a descendent of six South Carolina governors (Richardson, Manning). Also, the SC state song (Richardson Waltz) is a song –not a dance.
Anything else you’d like to share? (Family, Hobbies, etc.?)
I’ve been married to my wife Colleen for 29 years. We have one son, James (18), and a daughter, McCarty (14).